Bubba Gump Shrimp Co
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co
Great Food, Great Fun, Great Party!

Forrest Gump Movie Stuff

Memorabilia at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
eatlife.net eatlife.net@gmail.com

Updated October 2024
Posted May 2024

FORREST GUMPSpecial Effects

To Dress that cast and thousands of extras, costume designer Joanna Johnston and her costume supervisor, Pam Wise, worked with a staff of 60 in three wardrobe departments across three states.

A very straightforward basic look was used for Forrest. Although Hanks had 80 costume changes his look did not change because

COSTUMES:Mamma would have said to Forrest this was the right way to dress, so why would he have done anything differently?


Forrest Gump Earlier Look
Forrest Gump Young Forrest

Blue Screen
Blue screen is a special effect that allows elements that would normally appear on screen to be eliminated in the post-production process. The blue screen technique was used in Forrest Gump for the actor playing Lt. Dan (Gary Sinise). Because he needed to be an amputee but was not.

Blue screen stockings were worn by the actor, on the portion of his legs that would later be eliminated in post-production. Above the stocking, his pant leggs were cut and knotted to help aid in the illusion that there were no legs below the knee.

Lighting variations were used to make more of a contrast in the situations of the movie. A heavy filtration was used for forrest's childhood to create a softer, more innocent world. Crisper film stocks and hard lighting were used as the story progressed into the Vietnam era and Jenny's harsh adult life experiences.

The Beaufort vicinity was also used for filming the scenes set in Vietnam. Fripp Island, a resort community located 30 miles from Beaufort contained 50 acres of undeveloped land that was used as the jungles of Southeast Asia and hosted a Vietnamese Village complete with a five acre soybean field and swamp areas. In search of the the perfect settings, the production crew traveled throughout the U.S. and combed every southern state before the filming of Forrest Gump.

When production began on August 8, 1993, Beaufort, South Carolina had been declared home. The project brought cast and crew to many additional locations including Savannah, Georgia, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles, California. The aptly named "Crusade Unit" filmed Forrest's run across America in North Carolina, Vermont, Maine, Montana, Arizona, and Utah's Monument Valley.

The plantation also contained pre-existing rice fields, which provided a suitable stand in for the paddies of Southeastern Asia. Production designer Rick Carter was particularly enamored with the South Carolina setting.

LOCATIONS: This was a real opportunity to illustrate the South as a romantic place - majestic. But at the same time an intimate setting for Forrest. This is Forrest's home, a place that never really changes while the rest of the world does. A safe place to return home after his many adventures.

-Rick Carter

While in Los Angeles, the University of Southern California became the location for Forrest and Jenny's college campuses, and the Ambassador Hotel served for many of the film sets, including the Nashville bar where Jenny parties with her friends to the pulsating beat of the times.

Set Design
A set is considered to be each location that a scene will be filmed. Every set is designed and dressed with props that are rented, purchased, or manufactured for the film. Once filming has been completed on a set, it is photographed and the pictures labeled so that the set and props may be replicated exactly in case a reshoot is required later on.

Vast amounts of archival material on film and tape were viewed in search of footage that reflected the essence of various eras. The archival footage and photographs were invaluable, not only in shaping the look and feel of the film but also in providing all departments with research for set design, costumes, hair, and make-up.

Among the most challenging work was developing the technology to seamlessly match the production's footage of Forrest Gump with the existing archival footage. One of these opportunities comes when Forrest meets President Johnson. Zemeckis shot these scenes on the same type of film stock in very much the same way to make it look as documentary-like as possible.

Gump House
In Yemassee, South Carolina, an 8,000 acre bluff plantation served for the setting of the Gump Boarding House in Greenbow, Alabama, Forrest's lifelong home. Tucked away at the end of a quarter mile long alley of oaks lining the Combanee River, the production crew built a 3,500 square foot house that looked as if it had been constructed before the civil war.

Forrest Gump Magic Shoes

FORREST GUMP:My name's Forrest, Forrest Gump

FORREST GUMP:I bet if I think about it real hard, I could remember my first pair of shoes. Mama said they'd take me anywhere. She said they was my magic shoes.

Forrest Gump Magic Shoes Dr
Forrest Gump Magic Shoes Doctor
Forrest Gump Magic Shoes Tree
Forrest Gump Lt Dan's Getaway

Forrest Gump Jenny

FORREST GUMP:Jenny and me was like peas and carrots.

Forrest Gump Peas and Carrots

FORREST GUMP:She was my most special friend.

Forrest Gump Football Jersey

FORREST GUMP:Go Forrest! Go Forrest! Go Forrest!

Forrest Gump Football at Alabama

Forrest Gump Stop Forrest

COACH AT ALABAMA:He sure is fast!

Forrest Gump Blue US Army

FORREST GUMP:Now, I don't know much about anything, but I think some of American's best young men served in this war.

Forrest Gump Vietnam
Forrest Gump US Army Vietnam
Forrest Gump Vietnam Scenes

Forrest Gump Lt Dan Hawaiian Shirt

FORREST GUMP:Now Bubba told me everything he knew about shrimping, but you know what I found out? Shrimping is tough.

Forrest Gump Shrimpin' Business

Forrest Gump Lt Dan Shrimp

FORREST GUMP:I know everything there is to know about the shrimpin' business.

Forrest Gump Shrimper's Heaven

Forrest Gump Lt Dan Shrimpin'

FORREST GUMP:Would you like to see what Lt. Dan looks like? That's him right there.

Forrest Gump Shrimp Boat Jenny

FORREST GUMP:From then on if I wanted to get somewhere I was running!

Forrest Gump Running Clothes
Forrest's Run Across America
  • 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
Forrest Gump Run Across America

FORREST GUMP:My momma always said you got to put the past behind you before you can move on.

FORREST GUMP:That day, for no particular reason, I decided to go for a little run.

Forrest Gump Have a Nice Day
Forrest Gump So Beautiful

FORREST GUMP:I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.

FORREST GUMP:They just couldn't believe that someone would do all that running for no particular reason.

Forrest Gump Jenny Wedding Dress

Forrest Gump Jenny Wedding

FORREST GUMP:It was the happiest moment of my life.

Forrest Gump Forrest Junior

FORREST GUMP:I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we are all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze.

Forrest Gump Live Laugh Love

Forrest Gump Past Behind You

Forrest Gump New York

Forrest Gump Jenny Pictures