Santa Paula Beekeepers Assoc
Santa Paula Beekeepers Assoc
Helping People Help Bees

Backyard Bees of North America

4,000 bee species in the US


Updated October 2024
Posted September 2022

Beekeepers Association Backyard Bees
Backyard Bees of North America
  • Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
  • Green Sweat Bee Augochlorella
  • Sweat Bee Halictus
  • Mining Bee Andrena
  • Mining Bee Calliopsis
  • Minning Bee Calliopsis
  • Minning Bee Calliopsis
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
  • Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
  • Sweat Bee Halictus
  • Sweat Bee Halictus
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Minning Bee Andrena
  • Minning Bee Macrotera
  • Minning Bee Macrotera
  • Alkali Sweat Bee Nomia
  • Sweat Bee Halictus
  • Nocturnal Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (sphecodogastra)
  • Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
  • Sweat Bee Conanthalictus
  • Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
  • Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
  • Mining Bee Protoxaea
  • Mining Bee Pseudopanurgus
  • Mining Bee Protandrena
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Alkali Sweat Bee Nomia
  • Sweat Bee Lasioglossum (lasioglossum)
  • Mining Bee Protandrena
  • Mining Bee Protandrena
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita
  • Mining Bee Perdita Minima (smallest beee in North America)
  • Bumble Bee Bombus
  • Squash Bee Peponapis
  • Squash Bee Xenoglossa
  • Digger Bee Centris
  • Bumble Bee Bombus
  • Bumble Bee Bombus
  • Bumble Bee Bombus
  • Squash Bee Peponapis
  • Digger Bee Anthrophora
  • Long Horned Bee
  • Carpenter Bee Xylocopa
  • Carpenter Bee Xylocopa
  • Long-horned Bee Svastra
  • Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
  • Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
  • Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Bumble Bee Bombus
  • Digger Bee Anthrophora
  • Digger Bee Anthrophora
  • Digger Bee Anthrophora
  • European Honey Bee Apis mellifera
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Cuckoo Bee Nomada
  • Cuckoo Bee Nomada
  • Digger Bee
  • Digger Bee Anthophorini
  • Digger Bee Anthophorini
  • Digger Bee Anthophorini
  • Digger Bee Anthophorini
  • Polyester Bee Colletes
  • Polyester Bee Colletes
  • European Honey Bee Apis mellifera
  • Polyester Bee Colletes
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Long Horned Bee Melissodes
  • Mellow Bee Diadasia
  • Mellow Bee Diadasia
  • Cuckoo Bee Nomada
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Digger Bee
  • Polyester Bee Colletes
  • Polyester Bee Colletes
  • Resin Bee
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
  • Masked Bee Hyleaus
  • Masked Bee Hyleaus
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Anthophila
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Anthophila
  • Cactus Bee Diadasia
  • Mason Bee Osmia
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • European Wool Carder Bee Anthidium Manicatum
  • Wool Carder Bee
  • Mason Bee
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
  • Mason Bee Osmia
  • Mason Bee Osmia
  • Mason Bee Osmia
  • Mason Bee Osmia
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Cuckoo Bee
  • Miner Bee
  • Miner Bee
  • Cactus Bee
  • Mason Bee
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
  • Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
  • Mason Bee Osmia

Did you know

  • There are nearly 4,000 bee species in the United States
  • A majority are found in the southwest deserts and along the California Coast
  • Most species are solitary (they do not live in a hive)
  • Roughly 70% of bee species nest in the ground in holes they evacuate themselves
  • Some bees are generalist and will visit many different kinds of flowers
  • Other bees are specialists, only visiting one or two types of flowers
  • Wild Bees are great pollinators - For Example, in some orchards two Mason Bees can pollinate as much as 100 European Honey Bees

All species are reproduced at 5X their actual size

Amazon:Backyard Bees Of North America: on Amazon
Backyard Bees Of North America:
Bee Poster (24 x 36 inch)