Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there


Working Shop Since 1940

Posted March 2022

Knott's Berry Farm Blacksmith
Relocated from a neighboring farm less than a mile away, this historic structure was one of the first in Ghost Town. The craft of the blacksmith continues today on Main Street as it has for over 100 years within this building's walls. Wrought, branding irons are made for all occasions.


Ghost Town Blacksmith Side Door
The Side

Knott's Berry Farm Blacksmith Inside
The Inside

Knott's Berry Farm Blacksmith Shop
Blacksmith Shop
Early transportation methods consisted primarily of horse, mule, and ox power. These animals all had to be shod to protect their hooves. Consequently, the Blacksmith was an Important figure in the Old West. He not only made the shoes for the animals, but also sharpened plows, fashioned eating utensils, forged metal wagon parts, and made general repairs to farming equipment.

A wagon train of the 1800's was fortunate indeed to have a blacksmith along the trip. The wooden spokes of wagon wheels would often contract during the climate changes encountered while crossing the country. Without the Blacksmith's skill in needed repairs, entire wagons would be lost.

When the Knots started farming here in 1920. this blacksmith shop was standing on a farm about a mile away and was so old then that moss was growing on the roof. It was moved here intact when Ghost Town was started in 1940.

Knott's Berry Farm Ghost Town Blacksmith
Ghost Town Blacksmith:
One of the first buildings put up in the Ghost Town in 1940 was the Blacksmith Shop. It was actually found on a farm a mile away and simply moved to the Ghost Town as is.

Ghost Town Blacksmith

The shop is a working blacksmith run by the farm's resident smithies. Smithing techniques are demonstrated throughout the day. All the antique hinges, lamps, and various other metal objects seen in the shop were all made here by the farm's smithy. The blacksmith is also responsible for shoeing the horses for the Stage Coach attraction.

Ghost Town Blacksmith Shop

Early transportation methods consisted primarily of horse, mule, and ox power. These animals all had to be shod to protect their hooves. Consequently, the Blacksmith was an important figure In the Old West. He not only made the shoes for the animals, but also sharpened plows, fashioned eating utensils, forged metal wagon parts, and made general repairs to farming equipment.

A wagon train of the 1800's was fortunate indeed to have a blacksmith along the trip. The wooden spokes of wagon wheels would often contract during the climatic changes encountered while crossing the country. Without the Blacksmiths skill in needed repairs, entire wagons would be lost.

When the Knotts started farming here in 1920, this blacksmith shop was standing on a farm about a mile away and was so old then that moss was growing on the roof. It was moved here intact when Ghost Town was started in 1940.

Here you can purchase a handmade horseshoe with your name forged on it

Ghost Town Blacksmith

2:06 VIDEO:

Blacksmith Coals

Knott's Berry Farm Blacksmith

Knott's Berry Farm Blacksmith

Blacksmith Lettering

Blacksmith Lettering

Blacksmith Horseshoe

Knott's Berry Farm Horseshoe

Ghost Town Horseshoe

Knott's Berry Farm EATLIFE.NET Horseshoe Horseshoe

Blacksmith at Night
At Night