Boot Hill Cemetery
Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there

Boot Hill Cemetery


Updated October 2024
Posted March 2022

Knott's Berry Farm Boot Hill Cemetery
Boot Hill Cemetery

Boot Hill Cemetery Mural
Boot Hill Cemetery Mural


Water Wheel
Water Wheel

Boot Hill Cemetery Water Wheel
Water Wheel GIF

Water Wheel Overshot
Overshot Water Wheel
This type of water wheel drove many of theses classic grist mills. It is known as the overshot type of wheel because the water runs over the top of the wheel versus underneath.

Water Wheel Overshot

Horse Drawn Hearse
Horse Drawn Hearse

Hearse Casket

Hearse Casket

Back Side of the Glass Blower
Back Side of the Glass Blower Shop

Meats Boarding House

Barbed Wire
Barbed Wire
Used in the early days of the west for fences, the cause of many range wars. You can visit the Western Trails Museum where you can see the greatest collection of barbed wire ever assembled.

Western Trails Museum:
Barbed Wire Page:

Hydraulic Monitor
Hydraulic Monitor

That's the Barrel House in the background:

The Cemetery
The Cemetery

Diamond Mae
Here Lies
Diamond Mae
From whom the ladies turned away
Tho many tears were shed when they heard she was dead

Ann Doverty
Stranger here lies
Ann Doverty
Such waz her name and such waz her fame

Peg Leg Dorzey
Here Lies
Peg Leg Dorzey
Totally Unprepared

Poker Face Harry
Here Lies
Poker Face Harry
A whiz at cards called hearts
Fast at draw poker
Too slow once to draw
That was the joker

Ed Goodfellow
Ed Goodfellow
Town Marshall
He was wearing his boots
and a star on his chest
Laid him down to rest

Hiram Mctavish
Hiram Mctavish
Legend has it the heart will beat again after 100 years.
Any varmit place thar foot on his grave who feels that beatin will be saddled with good luck

Bleary Evans
March 4 1820
Bleary Evans
His sorrowful widow dedicates her here at the old land

Unmarked Grave
Unmarked Grave

Crosseyed Bill
Here Lies
Crosseyed Bill
He died reluctantly but wishes well to all who survive him
Jan 1 1820

Sam Andreas
Sam Andreas
Killed in a quake
Wasn't his fault
Now he's still
But the shaking
Won't halt

Joe Mcgee
Joe Mcgee
Died April 1, 1868
Rest in Peace
Until I Come
Your Widow Anna

Lester Moore
Here Lies
Lester Moore
4 slugs from a 44 no less no more

Soapy Hardy
Here Lies
Soapy Hardy
Hung by citizens committee
Warning road agents take notice

Sonora Jim
Here Lies
Sonora Jim
To a tall tree he was risen
The pinto he stole wasn't his'n

Henry Rohde
Henry Rohde
Oct. 3, 1856
March 22, 1910
Native of
Buelkau Germany

Boothill Cemetery
Empty Casket

Movie Toombstone Boothill
Tombstone Movie Depiction
Movie Toombstone Boothill